Orpington Baptist Church, London

Tech enabled Orpington to show weddings and funerals to faraway families. They are ‘excited’ to improve their tech with their winning donation.

Orpington Baptist Church has used technology to expand its congregation and to attract a new and diverse group of worshippers.
Senior Minister, the Rev Martyn Travers and his fellow leaders made a rapid decision to invest thousands of pounds in cameras and other broadcasting equipment as soon as the first lockdown was announced.
They immediately started broadcasting to the world, and it has gone on to provide a real silver lining to a very dark cloud.
We’re a real multicultural church, so we’ve had people from as far afield as India and Nigeria ‘attending’ services. This is something they couldn’t have done if the pandemic hadn’t happened, so in that sense it was something of a blessing.
‘Before the pandemic we would have around 300 worshippers on a Sunday,’ said Rev Travers. ‘Since then we’ve seen some of our older friends reluctant to return in person, so the ability for them to follow online has been wonderful.
London regional winner [image]‘But we have also attracted a large number of new people who have seen our services on the internet and have now started attending in person. We’ve also been running online weekly courses – Alpha, Bible, Prayer, and so on – with some 40 people logging on to join in, and that has also boosted the congregation.
‘We’re a real multicultural church, so we’ve had people from as far afield as India and Nigeria “attending” services – and able to join in baptisms, weddings and funerals, involving their family members who are also part of our congregation. This is something they couldn’t have done if the pandemic hadn’t happened, so in that sense it was something of a blessing.
‘Our motto is O for Outward looking, B for Biblically-taught, and C for Contemporary and Relevant, so it very much fits in with our ethos.’
The Rev Travers said the church was ‘absolutely delighted and excited’ to be one of the regional winners.
‘The people who work on our technology have already earmarked the prize to use on new cameras which can pick up better detail,’ he said.
‘Once the schools went back parents would come up to us in the playground at picking-up time and say, “We’ve been watching your videos!’ said Lydia. ‘From that, we have had new people join the church and come along to services, which is absolutely wonderful.
‘We were over the moon to have been named one of the winners – it was a great initiative by Baptist Insurance.’