Safety when working at height

29 March 2022

‘Work at height’ means work in any situation where, if no precautions were in place, a person could fall and become injured.

Vector image of man falling from ladder

Working at height might be required for tasks such as changing light bulbs, cleaning, painting and decorating, working in ringing and clock chambers, etc.

Injuries resulting from falls from height can be serious, therefore it is important that any work or access is properly planned. This includes using the right type of equipment.

Hazards to consider

  • Adverse weather making work at height unsafe (for example, high winds, snow and ice, etc.)
  • Access equipment unsuitable for the task in hand
  • Damaged ladders, stepladders, or other access equipment
  • Unauthorised alterations to equipment
  • Ladders, stepladders, and other equipment incorrectly used (for example, not in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions)
  • Unprotected fragile roofing or ceiling material where work or access is required (including roof voids)
  • Inadequate rails or barriers at raised edges (for example, in galleries and triforia)
  • Contact with obstructions, structural elements, or other architectural features
  • Inadequate edge protection (such as guard-rails and toe-boards) at roof level where work or access is required
  • Unprotected roof lights or other fragile roofing material where work or access is required.

Baptist Insurance has developed a working at height toolkit to help you to identify some of the most common activities requiring working at height and the precautions you can put in place to help minimise or eliminate the risk.

Risk man in hat icon