Congratulations to our winners!
06 September 2022
The Tales of Technology you sent us are fantastic!
We wanted to celebrate how Baptist places of worship embrace technology to benefit church mission, congregation and local community. So we asked you to share your tale of technology. You sent in some amazing entries and gave the judges a hard time!
From automated heating systems to using digital photo frames, technology can help us to be safer, more organised, to raise funds and cater for a wider audience. Your tales tell us exactly how it can be done and as this was a competition – let’s meet the winners.
And the National Winner is...
Congratulations to Derby Urban Baptist Church, our National Winner who wins a £1,500 donation.
“What a wonderful surprise to win!” Derby Urban BC are delighted to be named Regional Winners for the East Midlands, and the overall National Winner.
Like many others, Derby Urban Church worked out how to live stream services on Zoom and WhatsApp, but they felt it excluded some of the most vulnerable people in their church family. So the church came up with a new idea and used digital photo frames and USB sticks to stay connected to the vulnerable and those who couldn’t afford or get to grips with the internet.
‘Revd Young, President of Baptists Together, makes presentation to Derby Urban BC’