Pershore Baptist Church
From a mobile phone to regular videos and zoom course, tech boosted Pershore Baptist Church’s congregation, and helped people to feel connected.
Like others, Pershore Baptist Church turned lockdown into a positive by using technology to look outward. They had just introduced a new vision of 'Love in Action' - Loving God, Loving Ourselves (by knowing who God says we are), and Loving Others and it was important to them to make sure they could fulfil this vision. So on day one of lockdown they set up a YouTube page, purchased editing software and a tripod and started filming. But it wasn’t all plain sailing, according to church volunteer Lydia Martin, who is also the wife of minister James.
Lots of people emailed us to say they loved what we were doing, and that it was so good to see our faces and feel connected. That was so important for us.
‘When we had recovered from the shock of lockdown starting we immediately decided to film James’ sermons,’ said Lydia. ‘I did it with a mobile phone and two small boys in the room – I wish I’d kept the outtakes, because they were unintentionally hilarious. Later we hung a proper camera from the church balcony, and we’ve been livestreaming ever since, as well as hosting content on our website and Facebook page.
‘Lots of people emailed us during those dark, depressing times to say they loved what we were doing, and that it was so good to see our faces and feel connected. That was so important for us, because while people were looking at James on their screens, we were just staring into a camera lens. It was a real morale booster to know that it was having a positive effect.
‘We also discovered the world of Zoom, which we used for prayer meetings, coffee mornings, and Pete Greig’s Prayer Course. It sounds simple, but for us it was a big deal.’
The church’s videos have attracted viewers from the other side of the world in Australia – the Nativity show chalked up around 500 views – and also from just down the road.
‘Once the schools went back parents would come up to us in the playground at picking-up time and say, “We’ve been watching your videos!’ said Lydia. ‘From that, we have had new people join the church and come along to services, which is absolutely wonderful.
‘We were over the moon to have been named one of the winners – it was a great initiative by Baptist Insurance.’