Personal injury claims

Notifying Baptist Insurance

Any organisation with employees or volunteers runs the risk of having a claim for personal injury brought against them. At Baptist Insurance we are here to help and support you in being prepared so that you know exactly what to do should an incident occur.

Please do not wait for a claim to be made. If you are aware of an incident that may result in a personal injury claim being made that you could be responsible for, please tell us about it as soon as possible.

What happens when someone makes a claim?

The legal landscape relating to employers and public liability claims is subject to constant change meaning that injured parties or their representatives may correspond with you in a variety of ways. Regardless of the methods used all communications should be sent to us, unanswered, and as soon as possible.

Once a claim has been made, we need to work within tight timescales and the sooner we are made aware of an incident the sooner we can work with you to put things right.

We're here to help. Should an incident occur or if you need our support or further information, call us on 0345 070 2223. Our claims team will be very happy to help you.